Marketing Kit
Optimize your participation and visibility thanks to our extensive marketing campaign and various communication tools. Whether you wish to increase your visibility online before the show (eblasts, website ads) or at the show (sponsor an attraction, distribute promotional material), we have the tools for you!
Contact us today to get the information about our visibility offers, partnership and contact us today!
Talk about your presence at the show! It's free!
Tag us in all your social media communications before and after the show, it will be our pleasure to share your show content!
- On Facebook: @salonnationaldelhabitation
- On Instagram: @salon_national_habitation
- On Twitter: @SalonHabitation
Download our logo and insert it on your website or in other documents sent to your client database. This will enable your future customers and existing ones to get a sneak peak of the Show, its' attractions and conferences, and entice them to come and visit you at your booth.
1. Save our logo on your desktop.
2. Insert our logo on your website
3. Insert the following hyperlink:
and maximize your visibility in the La Presse + Show Guide
We offer:
- Your logo and a link to your site in La Presse +
- 100 complementary tickets
- A promo code on behalf of your company to invite your customers and prospects to come meet you at the show and receive a $ 5 discount on the adult admission price
- Your banner in one of our newsletters (More than 88,000 subscribers)
- Your logo on the "Partners and Sponsors" page of the website